Facial rejuvenation acupuncture uses a mix of facial and body acupuncture points to address fine lines, wrinkles, brow and cheek sagging, acne and dark spots, along with medical concerns such as facial paralysis, TMJ and bells palsy.
Patients can be any age, but should be in relatively good health. Uncontrolled high blood pressure, chronic migraines, bleeding disorders, major or underlying health conditions such as diabetes, seizures, epilepsy, cancer and coronary heart disease are contraindicated for facial acupuncture. Pregnancy is also contraindicated.
Folks who’ve recently had Botox, filler injections, facial surgery or major dental work need to wait and possibly consult with their practitioners before receiving facial rejuvenation acupuncture. Please contact us before scheduling online if this pertains to you.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatments are 90 minute private treatments that focus on your cosmetic or medical concerns related to your face!
In addition to body points for grounding and addressing underlying conditions that may be contributing to your facial concerns, points will be utilized on your face and neck. After the needles are removed, each treatment ends with relaxing facial cupping and guasha to compliment the uplifting and smoothing work of the needles, complete with a serum of collagen, vitamin c and arnica.
As with traditional acupuncture treatments, changes are based on length and severity of each condition. Facial rejuvenation is a process of changing from the inside out, which requires consistency. That said, by 12 sessions you should see changes in your areas of concern. Adding in 4 sessions of micro needling (1x/month) between your regular sessions can catapult your results. Continued maintenance will bring the best sustained results.
Facial needling is similar to regular acupuncture, except the needles are used over areas of the face.
Micro needling is a process of using a pen-like device fitted with a cartridge of 16 tiny “micro” needles that penetrate the skin just enough, creating small channels. This process stimulates collagen and elastin production without permanent injury to the skin, and causes our vegan, organic serums to penetrate deeply. These new connective tissue cells firm and lift the skin, smoothing lines and wrinkles.
Micro needling can also stimulate hair growth, filling in weak eyebrows or receding hair lines. It is excellent at supporting the work being done during regular rejuvenation treatments.
Facial acupuncture requires no changes to your regular regimen. Micro-needling includes facial pinking for 12-24 hours, along with the need to avoid sun, makeup and exfoliating for 48-72 hours.
Micro-needling results may be visible after 1 treatment, and improves over 3-6 monthly treatments. You can expect these results to last up to 5 years!
Your first micro-needling treatment includes a set of sample serums and creams to support your skin’s health and rejuvenation.
No. Micro-needling is best used in conjunction with facial needling treatments. Micro-needling does not address the underlying causes of facial concerns, and while facial rejuvenation acupuncture is often concerned with cosmetic changes, it is important to us to treat holistically. We are still healers first.
If desired, micro-needling can begin at your 3rd facial rejuvenation session.
Individual facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatments cost $175, with individual micro-needling sessions costing $300.
Packages of 12 facial rejuvenation treatments can be bought for $1650 (savings of $150), or 12 combo sessions (including 8 facial rejuvenation treatments and 4 micro-needling treatments) can be bought for $2200 (savings of $200). No refunds will be given for packages.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture visits: $175
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Hours
Fridays (every other):
12 – 3pm Randi
Other days and time by appointment only. Please contact us if you need other availability.
14 E Eagle Rd
Havertown, PA 19083
We are located on Eagle Rd., near the intersection of Darby and Eagle roads. We are close to the Haverford YMCA, the Oakmont Farmer’s Market, restaurants, shops and public transportation. Metered parking is available on Eagle Rd, and also in the Oakmont Municipal Parking Lot off Darby Rd, just a short walk to the clinic.